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Source: International Journal of Environment and Climate Change : Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Coconut Plantation

The cabon sequestration potential of ten year old coconut tree (Tall or Dwarf) were 18 to 28 kg per tree per year approximately.

The period of study considered was 2003 to 2018 (15 years). During the period of 15 years coconut plantation in Vellore district sequestered carbon, which vary from 76479 t during 2003-04 to 72295 t during 2017-18.

Thus, coconut plantation in Vellore district sequester 1.15 million tonnes of CO2, which accounts for an average of 20 kg per tree per year.

The weight of Carbon in the tree (Kg)

Age of the tree(Year) Tall variety Dwarf variety
5 25 28
10 76 49
15 122 91
20 238 156
25 380 252

The weight of CO2 sequestered in the tree per year (Kg)

Age of the tree(Year) Tall variety Dwarf variety
5 19 20
10 28 18
15 30 22
20 44 29
25 56 37

